King of the Hill. S6E7
Oh shit…..the day you realize Hank Hill is younger than you.
Wow. What an annoying little piece of shit. I’ve got this iTunes icon at the bottom of my Mac jumping up and down trying to get me to update it. It’s like a fucking 4 year old that isn’t getting enough attention.
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Its weird that the name of the Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon, is…Thoth…
Why not just go all the way and get me a cat and a sex change operation.
You’re going to eat lightning and crap thunder.
Was Paulie the first photo bomb?
If you hangout with yo yo people you’ll get yo yo friends.
What if traditional or even Biblical accounts of heaven don’t appeal to you? Does that mean that you a bad Christian?
Was Poindexter based on Beaker from the Moppets?