How many searches for YouTube content does it take before you change “Recommended”?
Speaking of angles….look at the wings on this piece of chicken….. would’ya?
Is Bobby Hill really Bill’s son?
Will fix any women……mom, grandma, sister, friend, wife…. DO NOT ABUSE THOSE WORDS!!!!
At 2:23 pm……
First time I saw a potential backstory of how the Scooby-Doo gang got together was today. Maybe I’m late to the party…. But…. If it hasn’t started… I want to the Scooby-Doo Backstory contest. Backstories will be rated and categorized. Video, audio
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Is Family Guy S20E14 really an outline of Game of Thrones? Is this really a great “marketing” game by Game of Thrones creators and HBO?
There is no way they could afford that house on minimum wage. I think he’s actually probably top sale man selling high end shoes in some fancy mall in Chicago. He’s just a cheapskate which is why he hates giving his family
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“I hope someone slams the door on your nose and you sneeze and your head explodes.”
In the show BullShit are teaching us the secret of magic because their arguments are only a percentage of true and they rely on our imagination to figure out the rest. That means they aren’t telling is what’s actually “bullshit”.